Wow! I can't believe we are already in October! My how 2009 has passed. I know 2009 has brought about many changes for most of us on a personal and a professional level. Our company has gone through many changes and challenges, too. But things are looking better than ever, and we’re excited for the holiday season and the great items scheduled to arrive in our warehouse over the next couple of months.
Our new L Letterpress will be arriving. We have a whole slew of Epic Six tools coming into our warehouse. The 2009 Holiday Gift Sets will be announced at the beginning of November and I think you’ll find these will be the most versatile sets yet. Exclusive products for Thanksgiving and Christmas will soon roll into our warehouse, as well.
My family and I decided to kick off this holiday season by going to Disneyland and visiting Jack Skellington and his band of spooks. We had a great time visiting Mickey and friends and seeing the fun clash between Halloween and Christmas. We saw pumpkins with Christmas caps and skeletons with fun little gifts. It was truly enjoyable to be with my family and to de-stress a little.
Upon returning from our fun-filled week in Southern California, the stress soon returned as I looked at our photos and couldn't come up with good titles for our scrapbooking pages. For this reason I am coming to you—I need your help in assigning titles to our Disneyland photo layouts. Please look through these photos and let me know what you think. If I end up using one of your titles, a free QuicKutz die is coming your way! :)
Happy holidays,